Thank you for taking the initiative and joining Heritage Waters Coalition. You are now an important cog of a powerful, growing, team willing to protect your heritage, lifestyle and future.
Traditional uses of our land and lifestyles are under attack by a minority elite that do not share our thoughts desires or values. These elitists do not practice in accepting diversity or different beliefs other than their own. They simply say they know better than you. They believe they have deeper thoughts and knowledge. They appear to be unaware that a republican form of government is in place to protect “we the people”.
Unfortunately, our Senators Martin Heinrich, Ben Ray Lujan and New Mexico Wild with their supporting groups have determined our constitution when stated “we the people” in their minds equate to “they the people”.
By joining our team, you make a meaningful statement. You believe in diversity and have pride in your lifestyle and are willing to show unity with your neighbors to retain your heritage.
The immediate battle ahead of us is the M.H. Dutch Salmon Greater Gila Wild and Scenic River Bill, which this website will focus on. Please share your thoughts. Comments are always desired and will help guide our group activities in confronting those attempting to take your heritage for themselves.
Thank you for joining us